So...after about a week of panic with no computer...a lovely person has so kindly installed my hard drive into an xtra computer. Whew. Heart attack averted. Thank you lovely person.
Other than a portrait commission that is taking me a millennium to finish, my next project in line of many projects to finish is a new sculpture. She's been in the works for a long time. I love sculpting with polymer clay, but it is a super frustrating process that makes me want to pull my hair out and throw the sculpture out the window. All I have left is the hands, hooves, tail, and horns, then the real fun can begin of adding fur and paint.
I am only slightly concerned that I'm about to have a major engineering issue of her being a free standing doll, but we shall overcome that problem when we get there.
The Arduous Process so far -
*Wire skeleton
*torso, arms, legs sculpted, attached - baked
*scraped for lumpiness and sanded for junk stuck in clay, during which I broke an arm and a leg. The dolls, not mine. Fixed breaks with epoxy stuff...more sanding.
*head sculpted, glass eyes inserted - baked
*more sanding/ scraping
Stay tuned for more pics soon!